The cache.yml Configuration File

The ~cache.yml~ configuration file describes the cache configuration for the view layer. This configuration file is only active if the cache setting is enabled in settings.yml.

The configuration of the class used for caching and its associated configuration is to be done in the view_cache_manager and view_cache sections of the factories.yml configuration file.

When an application is created, symfony generates a default cache.yml file in the application config/ directory which describes the cache for the whole application (under the default key). By default, the cache is globally set to false:

  enabled:     false
  with_layout: false
  lifetime:    86400

As the enabled setting is set to false by default, you need to enable the cache selectively. You can also work the other way around: enable the cache globally and then, disable it on specific pages that cannot be cached. Your approach should depend on what represents less work for your application.

As discussed in the introduction, the cache.yml file benefits from the configuration cascade mechanism, and can include constants.

The cache.yml configuration file is cached as a PHP file; the process is automatically managed by the ~sfCacheConfigHandler~ class.

The default application configuration can be overridden for a module by creating a cache.yml file in the config/ directory of the module. The main keys are action names without the execute prefix (index for the executeIndex method for instance). A partial or component can also be cached by using its name prefixed with an underscore (_).

To determine if an action is cached or not, symfony looks for the information in the following order:

  • a configuration for the specific action, partial, or component in the module configuration file, if it exists;

  • a configuration for the whole module in the module configuration file, if it exists (under the all key);

  • the default application configuration (under the default key).

An incoming request with GET parameters in the query string or submitted with the POST, PUT, or DELETE method will never be cached by symfony, regardless of the configuration.


Default: false

The enabled setting enables or disables the cache for the current scope.


Default: false

The with_layout setting determines whether the cache must be for the entire page (true), or for the action only (false).

The with_layout option is not taken into account for partial and component caching as they cannot be decorated by a layout.


Default: 86400

The lifetime setting defines the server-side lifetime of the cache in seconds (86400 seconds equals one day).


Default: Same value as the lifetime one

The client_lifetime setting defines the client-side lifetime of the cache in seconds.

This setting is used to automatically set the Expires header and the max-cache cache control variable, unless a Last-Modified or Expires header has already been set.

You can disable client-side caching by setting the value to 0.


Default: false

The contextual setting determines if the cache depends on the current page context or not. The setting is therefore only meaningful when used for partials and components.

When a partial output is different depending on the template in which it is included, the partial is said to be contextual, and the contextual setting must be set to true. By default, the setting is set to false, which means that the output for partials and components are always the same, wherever it is included.

The cache is still obviously different for a different set of parameters.